Detect Financial Topic

The Financial Topic Detection feature is designed to identify whether a user's input mentions any financial topic, such as investment, inflation, or saving money. This functionality enriches applications by allowing for dynamic, content-aware responses based on the financial subjects discussed by the user.


Financial topics detected in user input are stored in the Input class within the financialTopic variable. This variable is of type StructuredClass<FinancialTopic>?, which may be null if no financial topic is detected.

Accessing Detected Financial Topic

To access the detected financial topic within your application, you can use the following Kotlin code snippet:

val detectedFinancialTopic = input.financialTopic

Branching Dialogue Based on Financial Topic

To branch dialogues or logic based on the detected financial topic, you can use a conditional check to determine if detectedFinancialTopic is not null, followed by a when statement to handle each specific topic. Below is an example of how to implement such branching:

kotlinCopy codeif (detectedFinancialTopic != null) {
    when (detectedFinancialTopic.value) {
        FinancialTopic.BUDGET_PLANNING -> {
            // Handle BUDGET_PLANNING
        FinancialTopic.HIGH_PRICES -> {
            // Handle HIGH_PRICES
        // Add additional cases for other financial topics

Financial Topics

The FinancialTopic enum includes a list of predefined topics that can be detected. The following topics are supported:

  • BUDGET_PLANNING: Discussions related to planning and managing a budget.

  • HIGH_PRICES: Conversations about high prices or inflation.

  • PAYMENT_CATEGORIZATION: Identifying different categories of payments or expenses.

  • SAVE_MONEY: Topics related to saving money or financial advice on savings.

  • SUSTAINABILITY: Financial discussions related to sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

  • SCAMS: Identifying mentions of scams, fraud, or deceptive practices.

  • TECHNOLOGY: Conversations about financial technology, apps, or platforms.

  • ENERGY: Topics related to energy costs, savings, or investments.

  • HOUSING: Discussions about housing, mortgages, rent, or real estate investments.

  • RESOLUTION: Financial resolutions, goals, or planning for the future.

  • SELF_IMPROVEMENT: Investing in self-improvement, education, or personal growth with financial implications.

  • VACATION: Planning and saving for vacations or travel-related expenses.

  • LIFE_PLANS: Financial planning related to life events, such as weddings, education, or retirement.

  • ENJOYMENT: Spending on leisure, entertainment, or hobbies.

  • UNSPECIFIED: No financial topic.

Last updated