Detect Life Events

Recognize and understand significant life events mentioned by users

The Life Events Detection Skill is a sophisticated feature designed for digital personas to recognize and understand significant life events mentioned by users in English and Czech. This document provides a comprehensive guide on how to implement and utilize the Life Events Detection Skill in your digital persona's dialogue system.


Life events are significant milestones or changes in a person's life that can impact their wellbeing and require acknowledgment or adaptation by digital personas. This skill detects such events in conversation, allowing for more personalized and empathetic interactions.

How to Detect Life Events

To determine if a life event has been mentioned during a dialogue, use the following conditional check:

if (input.containsEntity("LifeEvent")) {
} else {

Accessing Life Event Attributes

Upon detecting a life event, you can access its attributes as follows:

  • Time of the Event:

    val time = (input.entity("LifeEvent").value as ai.flowstorm.core.model.LifeEvent).time
  • Event Seriousness:

    val eventSeriousness = (input.entity("LifeEvent").value as ai.flowstorm.core.model.LifeEvent).eventSeriousness

Life Event Attributes

Each life event is characterized by the following attributes:

  • category: The category of life event (e.g., Financial Wellbeing).

  • domain: The domain to which the life event belongs (e.g., Financial, Health).

  • acknowledgement: Whether the event requires acknowledgment.

  • socialReadjustment: The degree of social readjustment required by the event. (0-100)

  • eventSeriousness: The seriousness of the event (Low, Medium, High).

  • valence: The general emotional valence of the event. (0-5)

  • subjectiveValence: The subjective emotional valence (Negative, Ambiguous, Positive).

  • selfDisclosureIntimacy: The level of self-disclosure intimacy (Low, Medium, High).

  • time: The time frame of the event (Past, Present, Future).

Example Life Events

HOME_PURCHASE(LifeEventCategory.FINANCIAL_WELLBEING, Domain.FINANCIAL, true, 60.79f, EventSeriousness.MEDIUM, 4.37f, SubjectiveValence.POSITIVE, SelfDisclosureIntimacy.LOW),
CAR_PURCHASE(LifeEventCategory.FINANCIAL_WELLBEING, Domain.FINANCIAL, true, 33.76f, EventSeriousness.LOW, 4.13f, SubjectiveValence.POSITIVE, SelfDisclosureIntimacy.LOW),

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