
Detect entities by GPT

The llm.detect function is used for detecting entities in a given text input using GPT. It takes various parameters to help generate the desired output by training the GPT model with examples provided.

Function Signature

fun detect(
    input: String,
    prompt: String = "Extract following entities from the provided text, if the text contains them.",
    entityDescription: String,
    examples: List<Pair<String, List<String>>> = listOf(),
    config: LLMConfig = LLMConfig()
): List<String>


  • input (String): The input text that needs to be analyzed to detect entities.

  • prompt (String): The custom prompt to initiate the detection process.

  • entityDescription (String): The description of entities to detect.

  • examples (List<Pair<String, List>>): A list of examples in the form of pairs. Each pair contains a text input and a list of entity outputs.

  • config (LLMConfig): The configuration object for controlling how GPT generates the output.

Return Value

The function returns a List of Strings, containing the detected entities.

Usage Example:

In the dialogue function node:

val ent = llm.detect(
    input = input.transcript.text,
    prompt = "Extract following entities from the provided text, if the text contains them."
    entityDescription = "emotions that the speaker is feeling",
    examples = listOf(
        Pair("I was sad and than I was angry", listOf("sad", "angry")),
        Pair("I was so excited to see my friend again this year. At first I was really nervous because I changed a lot and I was unsure of how he would react, but then when I saw him, I actually just felt so relieved when he smiled at me and we hugged.", listOf("excited", "nervous", "unsure", "relieved"))

In the example above, the llm.detect function will analyze the input text to detect and return the emotions felt by the speaker.

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